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Religious School


Temple Beit HaYam is committed to the quality education of all our children. The Religious School meets in separate classes for each grade, Kindergarten through High School, on Sunday mornings. An additional Hebrew program meets on Wednesday afternoons for students from third through seventh grade.


There are no upcoming events at this time.


5785 (2024-2025) Registration Form

Please ensure you have logged into your TBH ShulCloud Account to bill payments to your account. If you are having issues logging into the website contact
Section A: Family Contact Information

If there is a secondary contact, all emails and mailings will go to both contacts. In case of urgent need, the primary contact will be notified first

Section B: Student Enrollment Information
Student 1 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Please email any 504 or IEP to Cantor Mike at
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 2 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Please email any 504 or IEP to Cantor Mike at
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 3 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Please email any 504 or IEP to Cantor Mike at
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 4 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Please email any 504 or IEP to Cantor Mike at
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Section C: Release Forms
Medical Release

By signing my name below, my child(ren) have permission to participate in the Religious School at Temple Beit HaYam. In consideration of my child(ren)'s acceptance as a religious school student, I hereby waive any and all claims against Temple Beit HaYam, its agents and its employees that may arise out of any injury, loss or damage suffered by my child(ren) during any religious school activity. I hereby authorize the Cantor/Education Director, or person designated by the Education Director, to obtain emergency medical care for my child(ren) in the event such care is indicated. I give my permission for my child(ren) to receive emergency medical care by any nurse, doctor, paramedic, emergency responder, or member of a medical staff of a hospital licensed by the State of Florida. I understand that every effort will be made to notify a parent/guardian prior to treatment.

I certify that my child(ren) have my permission to participate in all activities that are part of the regular religious school program. 

By typing my name, I confirm I have read, understand and agree to the above.
Media Release

From time to time your child’s photo may be taken in our classrooms or special events.  We use these photos in the synagogue newsletters, on our synagogue website as well as our Facebook groups and other publicity materials.

Section D: Payment Information
For all 6th and 7th grade families:
A $1200 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Fee is due for each student in the year leading up to their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. This fee can be split into two $600 payments across the 6th and 7th-grade years.
Directly after regular Sunday Religious School, students will be invited to stay for a couple more hours, watch a fun movie, have pizza, play games, and just have fun. This will be a supervised but otherwise unstructured period solely to encourage our students to form and maintain Jewish friendships and to love coming to their Temple. All donations will be used to defray the cost of food and drinks, movies, games, and other supplies. 
Suggested Donations: $90, $180, or $270 per child
Please consider donating to help another parent afford religious school tuition for their child. Donations will be administered anonymously by the Temple office to help ease the cost of religious school tuition for parents who are struggling financially but want to ensure their child receives a Jewish upbringing.
Suggested Donations: $180, $270, or $360 per child
Total 5784 Religious School Amount Due:
No student will ever be turned away from Temple Beit HaYam's Religious School for financial reasons. If you need assistance managing the cost of tuition or creating an alternate payment plan please contact the Temple Office.


Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785